Quotes about Word
A soul, therefore, when deprived of the Word of God, is given up unarmed to the devil for destruction
- John Calvin
The Bible's power rests upon the fact that it is the reliable, errorless, and infallible Word of God.
- Charles Colson
The gospel reveals the glory of God. According to God's Word, he is the sovereign Creator of all things.
- David Platt
The law is God's first word; the gospel is God's final word.
- Tullian Tchividjian
Only what God has commanded in His word should be regarded as binding; in all else there may be liberty of actions.
- John Owen
God continues to speak through what He has spoken.
- John Stott
Faith deals exclusively with believing God and His Word.
- KP Yohannan
When the Scripture speaks, God speaks
- Martin Luther
What else should we do with the Word of God but obey?
- AW Tozer
Hymns have been a powerful instrument of God to draw people closer to His Word and the saving riches therein.
- Billy Graham
I cannot fail to call the congregation to worship God, to listen to his Word, to offer themselves to God.
- Eugene Peterson
We cannot know God apart from His Word.
- Joyce Meyer