Quotes about Word
It is the task of youth not to reshape the church, but rather to listen to the word of God.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Word of God and the Spirit of God are enough for the people of God to enjoy and spread the worship of God.
- David Platt
The word of God is more than enough for the people of God to live their lives to the glory of God
- Kevin DeYoung
When we detach the Word of God from the heart of God, we miss the point of God.
- Beth Moore
We may be certain that whatever God has made prominent in His Word, He intended to be conspicuous in our lives.
- Charles Spurgeon
God calls us not only to know His Word, but also to pray it.
- Francis Frangipane
The Word of God is different than other words because God's Word is stuffed full of power and anointing.
- Joyce Meyer
I believe nothing merely because Calvin taught it, but because I have found his teaching in the Word of God.
- Charles Spurgeon
The confession of the authority of the Word of God can never be isolated from the saving content of the Word of God.
- GC Berkouwer
Our gracious God, we need the ministry of the Spirit of God within our lives so that Your Word may take root within us.
- Alistair Begg
An ongoing relationship with God through His Word is essential to the Christian's consistent victory!
- Beth Moore
The speech of God is silence. His Word is solitude.
- Thomas Merton