Quotes about Word
It is the power of God operating through the teaching of his Word that alone has power "to demolish strongholds" (2 Cor. 10:4).
- James Montgomery Boice
Many seem to think that, first of all, the Bible has to be explained, but that is not true. It has to be believed and obeyed! We fail to see the tremendous difference between knowing the Word of God and knowing the God of the Word. Conferences, rallies, missionary conventions, and church services come and go, and we remain unchanged. We are often just a group of unbelieving believers, perhaps never so well equipped, but never so poorly endued.
- Alan Redpath
I want to make the issue crystal clear. There can be no possible doubt, according to the Word of God: either Jesus must be King, or He cannot be your Savior.
- Alan Redpath
Good," Pop slapped his thighs and pushed to his feet. "Number one job of a preacher. Know the Word. Live it, pray it, sing it.
- Rachel Hauck
I want to discover the deeper layers of His word, understand the tender mercies of His heart.
- Rachel Hauck
For many Charismatics, Scripture is not simply a book to be read and studied, but it is an invitation into a lifestyle of supernatural engagement. Truly, such followers of Jesus desire to be doers of the Word, not hearers only. This should be celebrated rather than rejected.
- Randy Clark
Evangelism is not first and foremost a matter of strategies, plans and projects, but rather of being filled with the Holy Spirit and allowing that divine life within us to burst forth in both word and action.
- Randy Clark
the Church should be the place where a word reverberates right into the world.
- Karl Barth
The Word ought to be exposed in the words
- Karl Barth
Religion may be a private affair, but the woik and word of God are the reconciliation of the world with God, as it was performed in Jesus Christ.
- Karl Barth
the concrete actuality of God's revelation in Word and Act.
- Karl Barth
The Bible is God's Word expressed and revealed to his creature, man.
- Joseph Franklin Rutherford