Quotes about Word
In the end, an impatience with the Word of God can be explained only by an impatience with God. We all, both individually and congregationally, neglect God's Word to our own ruin.
- Albert Mohler
I find that the same Hebrew word which signifies to lodge, to abide, signifies to murmur. They use one word for both, for murmuring is a disorder that lodges in men; where it gets in once it lodges, abides and continues, and therefore, that we may dislodge it and get it out, we will labor to show what are the further reasonings of a discontented heart.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
Now carnal hearts do not find that power in the Word, that healing virtue that is in it, to heal their distracting cares, and the troubles of their spirits; but when those who are godly come to hear the Word, they find in it, as it were, a plaster for all their wounds, and so they come to have ease and contentment in such conditions as are very grievous and miserable to others.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
I do not ask for grace of style, I look for purity of soul: for with Christians it is the greatest of solecisms and of vices of style to introduce anything base either in word or action.
- Jerome
in the things of God we must look not at the work which we are able to accomplish, but at the spirit in which it is undertaken, and that he can never be at a loss for words who has believed on the Word.
- Jerome
The Word was made flesh that we might pass from the flesh into the Word.
- Jerome
see the hidden meaning of Scripture in all its fullness (for the word of God is a pearl and may be pierced on every side)
- Jerome
We are to come to the Word in a spirit of humility and contrition because we recognize that we are sinful, that we are often blind to our sinfulness, and that we need the enlightening power of the Holy Spirit in our hearts.
- Jerry Bridges
Our source of power is in the risen Christ, and we stay connected to Him by beholding Him in His Word and depending on Him in prayer.
- Jerry Bridges
so the faith to trust God in adversity comes through the Word of God alone. It is only in the Scriptures that we find an adequate view of God's relationship to and involvement in our painful circumstances.
- Jerry Bridges
God recorded in His Word specific instances of His sovereign rule over history in order that we might trust Him in the affairs of history as they unfold before us today.
- Jerry Bridges
Our trust in God must be based, not on someone else's experience, but upon what God has told us about Himself in His Word.
- Jerry Bridges