Quotes about Word
Since the Bible is God's Word, we shouldn't be surprised if Satan tries to convince us otherwise.
- Billy Graham
In the textbook of revelation, the Bible, God has spoken verbally; and this spoken word has survived every scratch of the human pen.
- Billy Graham
Walk into any bookstore and you'll find hundreds of books telling you how to live. Don't be misled, and don't be deceived. Instead, build your life on the truth God has given us in His Word.
- Billy Graham
Prayer and Bible study are inseparably linked. Effective prayer is born out of the prompting of God's Spirit as we read His Word.
- Billy Graham
The Bible takes the word home with all of its tender associations and sacred memories, and applies it to the hereafter and tells us that heaven is home.
- Billy Graham
We witness in two ways: by life and by word... God's purpose... after we have been converted is that we be witnesses to His saving grace and power. We are to be commandoes for Christ. We are to be minute-men for Him.
- Billy Graham
When brothers and sisters in Christ unite in the common bond of the Word of God and prayer, they are strengthened in their faith and witness.
- Billy Graham
God speaks from heaven through the Bible, His written Word. This is why I use the phrase "the Bible says." I would not have the authority to say what I do in sermons unless it was based upon the Word of God.
- Billy Graham
Just as the Bible is God's written Word, so Jesus is God's living Word.
- Billy Graham
To be set on fire, you must get close to God. When you feel cold, distant, and "out of it" spiritually, it's time to retreat to the closet, place yourself before the fireplace of His word, and allow the intensity of His face to restore your fervency.
- Bob Sorge
If I ever wrote a book on preaching, it would contain three words: Preach the Word. Get rid of all the other stuff that gets you sidetracked; preach the Word.
- Charles Swindoll
For, the Word was made flesh, that Thy wisdom, whereby Thou createdst all things, might provide milk for our infant state.
- St. Augustine