Quotes about Word
But in reality, the Bible is a closed book. Anything I can get from the Word without God will not change my life. It is closed to insure that I remain dependent on the Holy Spirit.
- Bill Johnson
So when I read that there is the fear of the Lord in the New Testament, I have to adjust my definition. What I think, live, and teach must be consistent with the Bible, so I allow what is written to prune my definition until it will stand the test of God's Word itself.
- Bill Johnson
It's apparent that we speak the word, and the Father does the works—miracles!
- Bill Johnson
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom. 10:17). Notice it does not say, faith comes from having heard. The whole nature of faith implies a relationship with God that is current. The emphasis is on hearing…in the now!
- Bill Johnson
I'll trust in God's unchanging Word, till soul and body sever. For though all things pass away, His Word shall stand forever.
- Martin Luther
Jesus Christ, as he is attested to us in Holy Scripture, is the one Word of God whom we have to hear, and whom we have to trust and obey in life and in death.
- Karl Barth
Put thou thy trust in God; In duty's path go on; Fix on His word thy steadfast eye; So shall thy work be done.
- Martin Luther
Everything that is true is God's word, whoever may have said it.
- Huldrych Zwingli
God wants you to understand the Word of God. The Bible is not a mystery book. It's not a book of philosophy. It's a book of truth that explains the attitude and heart of almighty God.
- Charles Stanley
Disciples of Christ abide in His Word. Those who abide in His Word know the truth and are free.
- RC Sproul
Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental truth: who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Holy Spirit, take the Word of truth as we find it in the Scriptures and bring it home to our lives.
- Alistair Begg