Quotes about Word
It may indeed be said that the word is never a more splendid mystery than when it travels in a man's mind from thought to conscience and back again to thought.
- Victor Hugo
There are people who read very loud, and who have the appearance of giving themselves their word of honor as to what they are perusing.
- Victor Hugo
God could not have given this promise, except from love and grace; therefore it is quite certain his Word will be fulfilled.
- Charles Spurgeon
Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God. Therefore, putting aside all filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls.
- Terri Blackstock
The Word is, by definition, immanent in the divinity and active in the world, and as such the Father's revelation. A revelation of the Father without the Logos and his incarnation would be like speaking without words.
- Karl Rahner
If theology is to speak adequately of the gospel of Jesus Christ, it must be thoroughly committed to hearing "the powerful witness of the 'tremendous' Word that always speaks against us so that we can learn to stop speaking against it.
- GC Berkouwer
The authority of God's Word ... We must be aware of the dangers of an experience-theology ... We must be critical of the suggestion that all scriptural questions could possibly be solved by excluding them on the basis of a childlike faith ... We must warn against a subjectification of authority, which might only become reality through acknowledgment ... We must also speak of the unique authority which can only be acknowledged and experienced on the way.
- GC Berkouwer
Theology is not an excursion into the stratosphere that lies beyond scriptural sppech in time: it may not travel beyond the borders of faith's perspective. Beyond the word of Scripture we dare not go, in speech or theological reflection; for it is in this word that God's love in Jesus Christ is revealed. There is nothing beyond that.
- GC Berkouwer
The confession of the authority of the Word of God can never be isolated from the saving content of the Word of God.
- GC Berkouwer
Scripture is the Word of God because the Holy Spirit witnesses in it of Christ. This understanding of the relation between the Spirit and Scripture opens up a perspective that is not locked in the past.
- GC Berkouwer
Faith is decisively determined by the object of faith, namely, God and His Word. This does not ... imply that Scripture ... derives its authority from the believer's faith: this idea is already rendered untenable by the very nature of faith, which rests on and trusts in the Word of God.
- GC Berkouwer
The confession of the testimony of the Spirit was not intended to give a rational and theoretical solution or explanation to the relationship between Word and Spirit ... the mystery of Word and Spirit remains unfathomable ... Every attempt to somehow clarify the mystery remains revealingly unsatisfactory ... The mystery cuts across every exclusive formulation.
- GC Berkouwer