Quotes about Blame
Remaining a victim of circumstance is a state of being that we choose, a choice that — allows us to blame other people — lets us blame circumstances — permits us to avoid responsibility for our lives — encourages us to feel sorry for ourselves, and — guarantees that we will stay victims. No one has to be a victim!
- Ben Carson
Forgiveness means deferring the cause to Christ and deciding to be free of the ongoing burden of bitterness and blame.
- Beth Moore
Have you noticed how people who most ignore God are the first to blame Him in time of tragedy?
- Beth Moore
I'm only going to stand before God and give an account for my life, not for somebody else's life. If I have a bad attitude, then I need to say there's no point in me blaming you for what's wrong in my life.
- Joyce Meyer
The influence of sin touches the innocent as well as the guilty.
- Billy Graham
The Bible clearly teaches that when we turn our backs on God and choose to disregard His moral laws there are inevitable consequences. Furthermore it is not God who is to blame for the consequences, but the person who has broken His law.
- Billy Graham
Man can and does rationalize his sins. He finds reasons for all his weakness, invents excuses that first calm and then deaden his conscience. He blames God, society, education, and environment for his wrong doing.
- Mother Angelica
Out of sight, out of mind. The absent are always in the wrong.
- Thomas a Kempis
Children, who made your skin white? Was it not God? Who made mine black? Was it not the same God? Am I to blame, therefore, because my skin is black?...Does not God love coloured children as well as white children? And did not the same Saviour die to save the one as well as the other?
- Sojourner Truth
For how could I justly be blamed and prohibited from loving false things, if it were false that I loved them?
- St. Augustine
And now she's a parasite, living off her host. If he makes a mistake, she made the mistake.
- Bill Clinton
Always remember you have been given the power to forgive any offense, and in so doing, remove it from your awareness as far as the east is from the west. True Vision is his gift, allowing you to see no blame; forgiveness is your truest purpose in the life. Seventy times seven, always leaving the old self in a watery grave and rising to find no fault. That's grace, that's true baptism and that's good news...
- Ted Dekker