Quotes about Saint
The lostness of the resentful "saint" is so hard to reach precisely because it is so closely wedded to the desire to be good and virtuous.
- Henri Nouwen
The only reason you are not yet a saint is because you do not wholly want to be one.
- Peter Kreeft
A saint is someone whose life makes it easier to believe in God.
- William Barclay
God prefers a loving sinner to a loveless "saint." Love can be trained; pride cannot. The man who thinks that he knows will rarely find truth; the man who knows he is a miserable, unhappy sinner, like the woman at the well, is closer to peace, joy and salvation than he knows.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Both heaven and earth rejoice when a saint escapes the earthly body: Heaven because a soul has triumphed over the devil. And earth because a saint is a prickly person to live with.
- Margaret Frazer
The greatest saint in the world is not he who prays most or fasts most; it is not he who gives alms, or is most eminent for temperance, chastity or justice. It is he who is most thankful to God.
- William Law
There is no danger of the individual saint being overlooked amidst the multitude of supplicants who daily and hourly present their various petitions, for an infinite Mind is as capable of paying the same attention to millions as if only one individual were seeking its attention.
- AW Pink
There is nothing evil save that which perverts the mind and shackles the conscience.
- Ambrose of Milan
The most glorious city of God.
- St. Augustine
Love is he, radiant with great splendor,And speaks to us of Thee, O Most High.
- St. Francis Of Assisi
The spring that brims and ripples oh I know in dark of night.
- John of the Cross
'You are no saint,' says the devil. Well, if I am not, I am a sinner, and Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners. Sink or swim, I go to Him; other hope, I have none.
- Charles Spurgeon