Quotes about Desolation
Then I asked: “How long, O Lord?” And He replied: “Until the cities lie ruined and without inhabitant, until the houses are left unoccupied and the land is desolate and ravaged,
- Isaiah 6:11
until the LORD has driven men far away and the land is utterly forsaken.
- Isaiah 6:12
Behold, the Day of the LORD is coming—cruel, with fury and burning anger—to make the earth a desolation and to destroy the sinners within it.
- Isaiah 13:9
Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes, their houses will be looted, and their wives will be ravished.
- Isaiah 13:16
She will never be inhabited or settled from generation to generation; no nomad will pitch his tent there, no shepherd will rest his flock there.
- Isaiah 13:20
In that day their strong cities will be like forsaken thickets and summits, abandoned to the Israelites and to utter desolation.
- Isaiah 17:9
Therefore I said, “Turn away from me, let me weep bitterly! Do not try to console me over the destruction of the daughter of my people.”
- Isaiah 22:4
Behold, the LORD lays waste the earth and leaves it in ruins. He will twist its surface and scatter its inhabitants—
- Isaiah 24:1
The new wine dries up, the vine withers. All the merrymakers now groan.
- Isaiah 24:7
They no longer sing and drink wine; strong drink is bitter to those who consume it.
- Isaiah 24:9
The city of chaos is shattered; every house is closed to entry.
- Isaiah 24:10
The city is left in ruins; its gate is reduced to rubble.
- Isaiah 24:12