Quotes about Bonds
Solitude is the place where we can connect with profound bonds that are deeper than the emergency bonds of fear and anger.
- Henri Nouwen
Chess holds its master in its own bonds, shackling the mind and brain so that the inner freedom of the very strongest must suffer.
- Albert Einstein
Genesis 1—the only time in human history when there was no war of words. In Genesis 1, the world of communication was a world of peace, truth, and life. Words were never used as weapons. Truth was never used to tear down. Words were always spoken in love, and human communication never broke the bonds of peace.
- Paul David Tripp
Truly, O LORD, I am Your servant; I am Your servant, the son of Your maidservant; You have broken my bonds.
- Psalm 116:16
You worked so hard to achieve. It blinds us to everything else, to the moments we've joyfully experienced, to happy times and the bonds created during those occasions. How is it that hatred?
- Paulo Coelho
The rashness of the persecutor hath overspread the rights of the persecuted so that punishment is awarded to him that has gained the victory, the inglorious triumphs, and the man who deserved bonds has carried off the prize.
- Thomas Becket
he told them, that they was bound to keep me from preaching; and that if I did preach, their bonds would be forfeited. To which I answered, that then I should break them; for I should not leave speaking the Word of God: even to counsel, comfort, exhort, and teach the people among whom I came; and I thought this to be a work that had no hurt in it: but was rather worthy of commendation, than blame.
- John Bunyan
The happiest business in all the world is that of making friends, And no investment on the street pays larger dividends, For life is more than stocks and bonds, and love than rate percent, And he who gives in friendship's name shall reap what he has
- Bill Gates
The closest bonds we will ever know are bonds of grief. The deepest community one of sorrow.
- Cormac McCarthy
In the bonds of Death He lay Who for our offense was slain; But the Lord is risen today, Christ hath brought us life again, Wherefore let us all rejoice, Singing loud, with cheerful voice, Hallelujah!
- Martin Luther
It's time to restore the bonds of trust between citizens. Let us give thanks for all that we have and let us boldly face the exciting new frontiers that lie ahead.
- Donald Trump
Blood is thinner than money.
- Margaret Atwood