Quotes about Belonging
In fact, the best of modern theology is revealing a strong "turn toward participation," as opposed to religion as mere observation, affirmation, moralism, or group belonging. There is nothing to join, only something to recognize, suffer, and enjoy as a participant.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
His Kingship, precisely because it is so broad, so total, is doomed to be rejected by anybody who is still into tribalism, or small belonging systems. We don't really like the big Kingdom if it gets in the way of our smaller kingdoms, and it always does.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Your True Self is that part of you that knows who you are and whose you are, although largely unconsciously. Your False Self is just who you think you areābut thinking doesn't make it so.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
It really works very well, but the trouble is that it feels so godly that much, if not most, religion is a belonging system more than a search for intimacy with God. Jesus was not into tribal religion, groupthink, and loyalty tests. Much of the institutional church is into them, however, and always has been. It works too well to call it into question. It holds us together and that feels like salvation, even if it is a very deteriorated form.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Until you meet a benevolent God and a benevolent universe, until you realize that the foundation of all is love, you will not be at home in this world.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
This new coherence, a unified field inclusive of the paradoxes, is precisely what gradually characterizes a second-half-of-life person. It feels like a return to simplicity after having learned from all the complexity. Finally, at last, one has lived long enough to see that "everything belongs,"4 even the sad, absurd, and futile parts.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
The archetypal idea of "home" points in two directions at once. It points backward toward an original hint and taste for union, starting in the body of our mother.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Home is another word for the Spirit that we are, our True Self in God. The self-same moment that we find God in ourselves, we also find ourselves inside God, and this is the full homecoming, according to Teresa of Avila.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Everything finally belongs, and you are a part of it. This knowing and this enjoying are a good description of salvation.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
On a man's journey, everything has its place. Our failures, heartbreaks, defeats, and victories; our wounds, dreams, and passions; our stops and our starts-all have a place in our story, and all have a place in our transformation from shadow men to real men. Everything has meaning, and everything belongs.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Your True Self is that part of you that knows who you are and whose you are, although largely unconsciously.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
Up to now, we have not been carrying history too well, because "there stood among us one we did not recognize," "one who came after me, because he existed before me" (John 1:26, 30). He came in mid-tone skin, from the underclass, a male body with a female soul, from an often hated religion, and living on the very cusp between East and West. No one owns him, and no one ever will.
- Fr. Richard Rohr