Quotes about Belonging
For," the outsider will say, "in fact, as a woman, I have no country. As a woman I want no country.
- Virginia Woolf
They'll not blame me. They'll not object to me. They'll not mind what I do, if it's wrong. I'm only Mr. Dick.
- Charles Dickens
You are part of my existence, part of myself.
- Charles Dickens
It is a most miserable thing to feel ashamed of home.
- Charles Dickens
I'm wrong in these clothes. I'm wrong out of the forge, the kitchen, or off th' meshes.
- Charles Dickens
"You must love this place very much," said Miss Fenn... "So many homes are like twenty others. But this is unique, and you seem to know every cranny of it. I dare say you could never love another home so well." "Oh, I carry it with me," said Deronda... "To most men their early home is no more than a memory of their early years... The image is never marred. There's no disappointment in memory, and one's exaggerations are always on the good side."
- George Eliot
Having someone wonder where you are when you don't come home at night is a very old human need.
- Margaret Mead
I wouldn't have been born if my parents had stayed in China. Which is kind of funny. But it also just kind of fills me with this existential dread.
- Bowen Yang
I have noticed that no other group of people in the United States truly loves America as a whole like white people do.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
Oakland kids are always the best.
- Zendaya
Any place you love is the world to you.
- Oscar Wilde
It may even be that everybody starts out fairly unique only most people get over it. Come
- Cormac McCarthy