Quotes about Culture
A news event in 1995 shocked both sides in the culture war controversy. Norma Leah McCorvey, the "Jane Roe" in the famous Supreme Court case of 1973, converted to Christ, got baptized, and joined the pro-life campaign.
- Philip Yancey
The gospel transforms culture by permeating it like yeast, and long after the people abandon belief they tend to live by habits of the soul. Once salted and yeasted, society is difficult to un-salt and un-yeast.
- Philip Yancey
Because of our failure to live out our beliefs, our own lack of moral clarity, and our meddling with partisan politics, Western culture no longer looks to Christianity as its moral source.
- Philip Yancey
According to Barna surveys, 61 percent of today's youth had been churched at one point during their teen years but are now spiritually disengaged.
- Philip Yancey
What greater gift could Christians give to the world than the forming of a culture that upholds grace and forgiveness?
- Philip Yancey
A similar cycle has recurred throughout church history. Christians present an attractive counterculture until they become the dominant culture. Then they divert from their mission, join the power structure, and in the process turn society against them. Rejected, they retreat into a minority subculture, only to start the cycle all over again.
- Philip Yancey
Rather than looking back nostalgically on a time when Christians wielded more power, I suggest another approach: that we regard ourselves as subversives operating within the broader culture.
- Philip Yancey
Sadly, Jesus' followers tend to take the reverse approach. Some churches gradually lower the ideals, accommodating moral standards to a changing culture. Others raise the bar of grace so that needy people feel unwelcome: "We don't want that kind of person in our church." Either way we fail to communicate the spectacular good news that everyone fails and yet a gracious God offers forgiveness to all.
- Philip Yancey
No society in history has attempted to live without a belief in the sacred, not until the modern West.
- Philip Yancey
the gospel of Jesus was not primarily a political platform. In all the talk of voting blocs and culture wars, the message of grace—the main distinctive Christians have to offer—tends to fall aside. It is difficult, if not impossible, to communicate the message of grace from the corridors of power.
- Philip Yancey
I WILL CHAMPION God's model for womanhood in the face of a postfeminist culture. I will teach it to my daughters and encourage its support by my sons.
- Priscilla Shirer
One thing is certain: Nothing will set you apart from culture more than the exclusive claims of Christianity. And it is here that we must intentionally set ourselves apart-because if we do not, we will have no message for the world!
- Kent Hughes