Quotes about Culture
the early church fathers provide abundant evidence that gifts such as prophecy and miracles continued in their own time, even if not as abundantly as in the first century. Christians in the medieval and modern periods continued to embrace these activities of the Spirit. It is, in fact, cessationism that is not well documented in earlier history; it seems no coincidence that it arose only in a culture dominated by anti-supernaturalism.
- Craig Keener
So pervasively has Enlightenment culture's anti-supernaturalism affected the Western church, especially educated European and North American Christians, that most of us are suspicious of anything supernatural.
- Craig Keener
If the early Christian accounts of dramatic signs make these works seem foreign and foreboding to segments of modern Western academia, they are nevertheless welcome in many of the dynamic churches of Africa, Latin America, and Asia, which believe that they share their experiences.
- Craig Keener
I think societal instinct much deeper than sex instinct — and societal repression much more devastating.
- DH Lawrence
Who has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood?
- Carl Jung
When pastors don't have rich spiritual lives with Christ, they become victimized by other models of success - models conveyed to them by their training, by their experience in the church, or just by our culture.
- Dallas Willard
Society certainly encourages women to be victims in every way.
- Gloria Steinem
When you think about Puritanism, you must begin by getting rid of the slang term 'Puritanism' as applied to Victorian religious hypocrisy. This does not apply to seventeenth-century Puritanism.
- Leland Ryken
In those days men were the ones who usually conferred blessings. Yet here we have a woman proclaiming a blessing upon another woman. Wow. Even from the womb, Jesus was changing the culture.
- Liz Curtis Higgs
To let the gospel of Jesus shape how we work means to heed the influence of both the psychological idols within our hearts as well as the sociological idols in our culture and profession.
- Timothy Keller
Really I don't like human nature unless all candied over with art.
- Virginia Woolf
Humor is the first of the gifts to perish in a foreign tongue.
- Virginia Woolf