Quotes about Culture
Shakespeare's words paint pictures in glorious colour in my language. They were written by a man whose use of words fits exactly into Xhosa.
- John Kani
People of Pakistan don't want a ban on Indian content in their country, but it is their politicians who want it. In our country too, politicians want to ban their art and artists.
- Shabana Azmi
I see fashion as going on par with all the other cultural institutions here. Ballet, theater, opera - I don't see fashion differently.
- Stephanie Winston Wolkoff
The Bible, however, was not created to be amended and altered with each passing culture.
- Mike Huckabee
By the very act of refusing to succumb to the enormous pressure of Western culture around us, we, too, serve as a sign of a free people. We have been called out of a world trying to prove its worth and value by what it does or possesses. We are deeply loved by God for who we are, not for what we do.
- Peter Scazzero
even the worst and most painful family experiences are part of our total identity. God had a plan in placing us in our particular families and cultures. And the more we know about our families, the more we know about ourselves—and the more freedom we have to make decisions how we want to live. We can say: "This is what I want to keep. This is what I do not want to bring with me to the next generation.
- Peter Scazzero
In a culture as frenetic and inattentive as ours, a "slowed down" Christian who is a contemplative presence to God and others is an extraordinary gift.
- Peter Scazzero
You would think the church and its leaders would be all for healthy leadership and whatever it takes to achieve it. But the truth is that there are parts of church leadership culture that actually work hard against it.
- Peter Scazzero
Art has tremendous power to shape culture and touch the human heart. Its artifacts embody the ideas and desires of the coming generation. This means that what is happening in the arts today is prophetic of what will happen in our culture tomorrow. It also means that when Christians abandon the artistic community, we lose a significant opportunity to coniniu- nicate Christ to our culture.
- Philip Graham Ryken
Generally speaking, the reason the church fails to have a more positive, transforming influence on our culture is that we do not fully grasp the Bible-based, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, God-glorifying perspective that belongs to us by grace—which is why we need to learn how to live the right worldview.
- Philip Graham Ryken
In a certain sense we can be proud to have introduced this hairstyle to Europe. 'Plica polonica' should be added to the list of our inventions, alongside crude oil, pierogi and vodka.
- Olga Tokarczuk
I think everything that any actor does, I would assume, is shaped by how and where they grew up.
- Melissa McCarthy