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Quotes about Future

The reason God knows the future is because he plans the future and accomplishes it.
- John Piper
When faith is in fullest operation, it pictures a future with a God who is so powerful and so loving and so wise and so satisfying that this future-picturing faith experiences assurance. Now.
- John Piper
Christmas split history. Foretastes of the future abound. Drink deeply on what he achieved for us. And be filled with hope for all that is coming.
- John Piper
The explanation of the blindness [in John 9] lies not in the past causes but the future purposes.
- John Piper
When we look back to the death and resurrection of Christ, God shows us in the present the enormity of his love for us, and thus warrants all our confidence in future grace. "God shows [present] his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died [past] for us" (Romans 5:8). Without the death of Christ, there would be no future grace.
- John Piper
Sin can't enslave a person who is utterly confident and sure and hope-filled in the infinite happiness of life with Christ in the future.
- John Piper
As the sin of Adam was legally and effectively the sin of his race; so the death of Christ was legally and effectively the death of his people."7 Since our death has already occurred, we do not bear that condemnation (Romans 8:1—3). That is the essence of the love of Christ for us. Through his own undeserved death, he died our well-deserved death and opened his future as our future.
- John Piper
From the experience of the past we derive instructive lessons for the future.
- John Quincy Adams
Roll, years of promise, rapidly roll round, till not a slave shall on this earth be found.
- John Quincy Adams
I am a warrior, so that my son may be a merchant, so that his son may be a poet.
- John Quincy Adams
Don't let yesterday take up too much of today.
- John Wooden
Worry is blind, and cannot discern the future; but Jesus sees the end from the beginning. In every difficulty He has His way prepared to bring relief.
- Ellen White