Quotes about Future
So far as each individual is concerned all he can do is to take the abilities he has and make the most of them. His power over the past is gone. His power over the future depends on what he does with himself in the present. If he wishes to live and progress he must work.
- Calvin Coolidge
Not the criticism of individual contemporaries will decide the truth or falsity of these discoveries, but future generations. There are things that are not yet true today, perhaps we dare not find them true, but tomorrow they may be. So every man whose fate it is to go his individual way must proceed with hopefulness and watchfulness, ever conscious of his loneliness and its dangers.
- Carl Jung
What is envisaged is a point or stretch lying at the end of history; it forms part of what are called "days"; that thereafter there shall be no more days, but something of a different nature is not implied.
- Geerhardus Vos
the Spirit appears as the source of the future new life of Israel, especially of the ethico-religious renewal, and thus first becomes suggestive of the eschatological state itself.
- Geerhardus Vos
If youth is the season of hope, it is often so only in the sense that our elders are hopeful about us.
- George Eliot
I write, she wrote, that memory is fragile and the space of a single life is brief, passing so quickly that we never get a chance to see the relationship between events; we cannot gauge the consequences of our acts, and we believe in the fiction of past, present, and future, but it may also be true that everything happens simultaneously—as the three Mora sisters said, who could see the spirits of all eras mingled in space.
- Isabel Allende
Many live in dread of what is coming. Why should we? The unknown puts adventure into life. ... The unexpected around the corner gives a sense of anticipation and surprise. Thank God for the unknown future.
- E Stanley Jones
Death at times seems like a dark tunnel to be traveled, and the future seems bleak.
- Mother Angelica
No one has any idea what's going to happen. Not even Elon Musk. That's why he's building those rockets. He wants a 'Plan B' on another world.
- Stephen Colbert
But what if God wasn't behind us, but in front of us, in front of our dreams...making a way for them not because we deserve it...but because He just delights in us?
- Susan May Warren
The Lord of my life, who calls me to be brave and walk into the unknown, amazing future. I am always awed by the wonder of you.
- Susan May Warren
Grace meant God knew her past and still offered her a beautiful future. An unbreakable happy ending.
- Susan May Warren