Quotes about Future
It was no accident, I believe, that Jesus spoke his triumphant words, I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD, even as Roman soldiers were buckling on weapons for his arrest. He knew how to judge the present by the future.
- Philip Yancey
Apart from forgiveness, the monstrous past may awake at any time from hibernation to devour the present. And also the future.
- Philip Yancey
In the shadow of death may we not look back to the past, but seek in utter darkness the dawn of God.
- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
We're going to win at space.
- Donald Trump
The future promise of any nation can be directly measured by the present prospects of its youth.
- John F. Kennedy
I understand that the current conditions in your life may not be your favorite thing to dwell on right now. You may have become very adept at concentrating on later, distracting yourself with the possibilities of the future. You may have grown accustomed to looking the other direction, daydreaming your life away, too overwhelmed at this point to even try figuring out solutions anymore for your present reality.
- Priscilla Shirer
Like Whitney Houston, we believe the children are the future. But adults are in charge of the present, and we should start acting like it.
- Dennis Prager
There will be no future unless there is peace. There can be no peace unless there is reconciliation. But there can be no reconciliation before there is forgiveness. And there can be no forgiveness unless people repent.
- Desmond Tutu
The new is preceded by the destruction of the old, that which has become guilty, and not out of the possebilities which we possess, but in the impossible situation which confronts us, that the new shows itself as God's creative act. God's new reality is always like a novum ex nihilo . When all hopes have died, there comes the wave of the future like a spirit of resurrection into the dead bones (Ezek. 37), creating hope against hope.
- Jurgen Moltmann
A leader must be able to see the end results of the policies and methods he or she advocates. Responsible leadership always looks ahead to see how policies will affect future generations.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Leaders take lessons from the past, but never sacrifice the future for the sake of mere continuity. People of vision gauge decisions on the future; the story of the past cannot be rewritten.
- J. Oswald Sanders
Few can foresee whither their road will lead them, till they come to its end.
- JRR Tolkien