Quotes about Future
God is the God of the present as well as of the future...even here on earth, He reigneth, dispensing good and evil.
- Alfred Edersheim
She was so busy forgetting, she couldn't take a single step into the future.
- Alice Hoffman
Although I am no longer caught in the past, the future seems like a ridiculous thing to me. Try to catch it, hold it in your hand. It disappears every time.
- Alice Hoffman
He backed off, the way he always does, but it won't happen a second time. If he ever sees her again he's going to go right up to her and ask her to marry him, that's what he'll do. He's sick of letting fate roll right past him.
- Alice Hoffman
She takes the fortune cookies from the bottom of the bag and throws them into a glass bowl she keeps in the closet. She has no desire to know what her future might hold.
- Alice Hoffman
They both always wished for the same thing when they were sitting on the roof of the aunts' house on those hot, lonely nights. Sometime in the future, when they were both all grown up, they wanted to look up at the stars and not be afraid. This is the night they had wished for. This is that future, right now. And they can stay out as long as they want to, they can remain on the lawn until every star has faded, and still be there to watch the perfect blue sky at noon.
- Alice Hoffman
let us be among those who hope that the future will be less cruel than the past.
- Alice Hoffman
It was best to step into the future while it was still waiting for you.
- Alice Hoffman
She had the distinct impression that something was beginning and something was ending; there were just so many days like this left to them. Before they knew it, time would speed up and the future would appear on a street corner or in a park, and there they'd be, grown women who'd forgotten how long a summer could last.
- Alice Hoffman
The future was spun from moments like this. If she backed away, it might all unravel.
- Alice Hoffman
Why should the killers of the world be the future and not us?
- Alice Walker
The end is coming yesterday it was here too.
- Alice Walker