Quotes about Task
The conversion of a soul is the miracle of a moment, the manufacture of a saint is the task of a lifetime.
- Charles Swindoll
many men have come to view the church as a task to be done rather than a community to be in.
- Tony Evans
Being in Christ is both gift and task, privilege and responsibility. Exaggerate the gift, and you risk antinomian complacency; exaggerate the responsibility, and you risk legalistic anxiety.
- Kevin Vanhoozer
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble.
- Helen Keller
Joy, joy forever, my task is done. The gates are passed, and heaven is won.
- Tamera Alexander
Have courage for the great sorrows of life, and patience for the small ones. And when you have finished your daily task, go to sleep in peace. God is awake.
- Victor Hugo
The more you discipline yourself to persist on a major task, the more you like and respect yourself, and the higher is your self-esteem.
- Brian Tracy
Concentrate all your thoughts on the task at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus.
- Brian Tracy
Single handle every task: Set clear priorities, start immediately on your most important task, and then work without stopping until the job is 100 percent complete. This is the real key to high performance and maximum personal productivity.
- Brian Tracy
Your frog is your biggest, most important task, the one you are most likely to procrastinate on if you don't do something about it. It is also the one task that can have the greatest positive impact on your life and results at the moment.
- Brian Tracy
The ability to concentrate single-mindedly on your most important task, to do it well and to finish it completely, is the key to great success, achievement, respect, status, and happiness in life. This key insight is the heart and soul of this book.
- Brian Tracy
The best thing you can do to witness to a toxic person is stay focused on your task, refuse to be distracted or play their games, pray instead of gossip, and then get the work done. Find the reliable people God has called you to invest in. Accomplish the task that you know to be urgent.
- Gary Thomas