Quotes about Burden
As we walk our individual life journeys, we pick up resentments and hurts, which attach themselves to our souls like burrs clinging to a hiker's socks. These stowaways may seem insignificant at first, but, over time, if we do not occasionally stop and shake them free, the accumulation becomes a burden to our souls.
- Richard Paul Evans
Jesus, no one understands a heavy load better than you. No one has ever borne heavier. Bear up under this one with Ann, so she will know her only purpose here is to help others, love expansively, and be your hands and feet, your words of advice and wisdom when opportunities present themselves for her to help Grace and Karen. And yes, Josh and Will and Gabriel. Do whatever is necessary for Ann's success in the days ahead. Show your love to my friend and comfort her by your Spirit. Amen.
- Dee Henderson
You have no idea what hangs in the balance of your decision on what to do with the burden God put in your heart.
- Andy Stanley
Leadership involves the heavy burden of responsibility, and the fear of getting it wrong can paralyze a leader.
- John Maxwell
Wearing all that weight Of learning lightly like a flower.
- Alfred Lord Tennyson
We forge the chains we wear in life.
- Charles Dickens
She's fainted, or dead,' I thought: 'so much the better. Far better that she should be dead, than lingering a burden and a misery-maker to all about her.
- Emily Bronte
It's unutterably too much for flesh and blood to bear, even mine.
- Emily Bronte
Sometimes feeling overwhelmed is part of what it means to be a Christian. You can't bear somebody else's burden unless you are taking something of their load and it's weighing you down a little bit.
- Kevin DeYoung
There's nothing heavier than the weight of sin in our lives. It's crushing. What a luxury to know the burden of it can be lifted off our shoulders if we repent and give it to God.
- Terri Blackstock
The aim is not therefore to liberate some 'essential self' by throwing off the burden of government and the State, but to develop the self in creative and voluntary relations with others.
- Peter Marshall
The earth has grown old with its burden of care, but at Christmas it always is young, the heart of the jewel burns lustrous and fair, and its soul full of music breaks the air, when the song of angels is sung.
- Phillips Brooks