Quotes about Burden
The heart carries heavy loads when it is being trained to carry weighty blessings.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
The most heavily laden branches bow the lowest.
- Andrew Murray
It is not until Christians study the humility of Jesus as the very essence of His redemption, as the only true relationship to the Father, that the terrible lack of actual, heavenly humility will become a burden and a sorrow.
- Andrew Murray
Nothing can render affliction so insupportable as the load of sin. Would you then be fitted for afflictions? Be sure to get the burden of your sins laid aside, and then what affliction soever you may meet with will be very easy to you.
- John Bunyan
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third of its national income.
- Ronald Reagan
The greatest burden in the world is superstition, not only of ceremonies in the church, but of imaginary and scarecrow sins at home.
- John Milton
If you stop thinking that you must change the world, you lift a tremendous burden off yourself and the people around you. There's no longer this convenient excuse for why it has to be all work all the time. The opportunity to do another good day's work will come again tomorrow, even if you go home at a reasonable time.
- Jason Fried
But he would see clearer, breathe freer in her presence: she was at once the dead weight at his breast and the spar which should float them to safety.
- Edith Wharton
The whole question hinged on Arthur's statement to his brother. Suppress that statement, and the claim vanished, and with it the scandal, the humiliation, the life-long burden of the woman and child dragging the name of Peyton through heaven knew what depths.
- Edith Wharton
Even if medication relieves some of the burden of depression, it may be functioning like aspirin. That is, it takes away some of the symptoms but the root problems persist.
- Edward Welch
Obedience to Christ is not a burden to bear. Instead it points the way to being truly human—an unfettered conscience, an unhindered nearness to him, and the pleasure of his hospitality and protection.
- Edward Welch