Quotes about Sight
herself in powerlessness to the ridicule of the world. We can't blame the devil. For the most part we've dumbed-down New Testament Christianity and accepted our reality as theology rather than biblical theology as our reality. We've reversed the standard, walking by sight and not by faith. We
- Beth Moore
The LORD answered Moses, "I will do this very thing you have asked, for you have found favor in My sight." Exodus 33:17
- Beth Moore
He touched their eyes, saying, "Let it be done for you according to your faith!" Matthew 9:29
- Beth Moore
While we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord—for we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:6—7
- Beth Moore
No such thing as a man willing to be honest -- that would be like a blind man willing to see.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
Blindness itself commends the excellence of sight.
- St. Augustine
But Thou, Lord, abidest for ever, yet not for ever art Thou angry with us; because Thou pitiest our dust and ashes, and it was pleasing in Thy sight to reform my deformities; and by inward goads didst Thou rouse me, that I should be ill at ease, until Thou wert manifested to my inward sight. Thus, by the secret hand of Thy medicining was my swelling abated, and the troubled and bedimmed eyesight of my mind, by the smarting anointings of healthful sorrows, was from day to day healed.
- St. Augustine
When we say that blindness is a defect of the eyes, we prove that sight belongs to the nature of the eyes; and when we say that deafness is a defect of the ears, hearing is thereby proved to belong to their nature;—so, when we say that it is a fault of the angelic creature that it does not cleave to God, we hereby most plainly declare that it pertained to its nature to cleave to God.
- St. Augustine
The sight of her stunned me. Ropes of dense fog wrapped around her chest and neck, and the offshoots wove their way into her eyes, her ears, her mouth. She stood in a thin, shifting fog. And she was clearly unaware of any of it. Unaware that she'd bound herself to fear, which blinded her to the kingdom of heaven, in which she was the light.
- Ted Dekker
She was twenty-three and single, still living on the streets in San Francisco, when Sylous first promised her true sight and a community that would follow her. They would find a place in the hills of Tennessee, hidden away for them alone. A terrible tribulation was coming to the world, he'd said, but he would protect them from that Fury if they followed him.
- Ted Dekker
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness.
- Ted Dekker
And . . . the place that Jesus taketh in our Soul he shall never remove it, without end, as to my sight: for in us is his homeliest home and his endless dwelling
- Julian of Norwich