Quotes about Tool
An instrument s a tool that is actively used to change something, and God has called all of his people to be instruments of change in his redemptive hands
- Paul David Tripp
Your job is be God's tool for the purpose of forming the image of God's Son in your children.
- Paul David Tripp
So gathering after gathering is intended to so enthrall you with the grandeur of God's grace that you can't think of anything better than being a tool of that grace in the lives of others.
- Paul David Tripp
Moreover, you are to build there an altar to the LORD your God, an altar of stones. You must not use any iron tool on them.
- Deuteronomy 27:5
If the axe is dull and the blade unsharpened, more strength must be exerted, but skill produces success.
- Ecclesiastes 10:10
Does an axe raise itself above the one who swings it? Does a saw boast over him who saws with it? It would be like a rod waving the one who lifts it, or a staff lifting him who is not wood!
- Isaiah 10:15
The blacksmith takes a tool and labors over the coals; he fashions an idol with hammers and forges it with his strong arms. Yet he grows hungry and loses his strength; he fails to drink water and grows faint.
- Isaiah 44:12
Joy in one's work is the consummate tool.
- Phillips Brooks
The human being is a very poorly designed machine tool. The human being excels in coordination. He excels in relating perception to action. He works best if the entire human being, muscles, senses, and mind, is engaged in the work.
- Peter Drucker
Science is a tool, and if we were an esentially kind and peaceful species, it would not occur to us to use this tool for destructive purposes.
- David Livingstone Smith
Elisha instructed the young man to go back to the place where he last knew he had it. There, at that spot, God gave the young man the tool he needed. Sometimes, Duncan said, we momentarily lose our axheads—our best cutting-edge tool for ministry, which is the clear voice of God. It helps to go back to the place where we last knew we had heard the sharp edge of God's voice.
- Loren Cunningham
1) identifying what their customers wanted (to be seen and heard), (2) defining their customers' challenge (that people didn't recognize their hidden genius), and (3) offering their customers a tool they could use to express themselves (computers and smartphones). Each of these realizations are pillars in ancient storytelling and critical for connecting with customers.
- Donald Miller