Quotes about Customs
by promoting customs that are unlawful for us Romans to adopt or practice.”
- Acts 16:21
But they are under the impression that you teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or observe our customs.
- Acts 21:21
especially since you are acquainted with all the Jewish customs and controversies. I beg you, therefore, to listen to me patiently.
- Acts 26:3
After three days, he called together the leaders of the Jews. When they had gathered, he said to them, “Brothers, although I have done nothing against our people or the customs of our fathers, I was taken prisoner in Jerusalem and handed over to the Romans.
- Acts 28:17
But not everyone has this knowledge. Some people are still so accustomed to idols that they eat such food as if it were sacrificed to an idol. And since their conscience is weak, it is defiled.
- 1 Corinthians 8:7
Doesn’t nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him,
- 1 Corinthians 11:14
Therefore let no one judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a feast, a New Moon, or a Sabbath.
- Colossians 2:16
They consist only in food and drink and special washings—external regulations imposed until the time of reform.
- Hebrews 9:10
As generations come and go, Their arts, their customs, ebb and flow; Fate, fortune, sweep strong powers away, And feeble, of themselves, decay.
- William Wordsworth
The best advice I can give you is this. Church tradition - especially when they do not run counter to the Faith - are to be observed in the form in which previous generations have handed them down.
- Jerome
For the first two or three centuries there were no systems of composed forms of prayer used in any church whatever, as hath been proved.
- John Owen
Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes -- our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking around.
- GK Chesterton