Quotes about Decision-making
Remember that God has given you today and that the choices you make today will shape your tomorrow—not your yesterday.
- John Bevere
What you make of life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need - what you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours. Stay mindful of your choices!
- John Maxwell
If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they may have planned for you? Not much." —JIM ROHN
- John Maxwell
All true leaders have learned to say no to the good in order to say yes to the best.
- John Maxwell
- John Maxwell
Because I lacked the ability to prioritize correctly and bring focus to my leadership.
- John Maxwell
Years ago, I used to tell new leaders I hired that every person in our organization walked around with two buckets. One bucket contained water, and the other gasoline. As leaders, they would continually come across small fires, and they could pour water or gasoline on a fire. It was their choice.
- John Maxwell
while nobody plans to mess up their life, the problem is that few of us plan not to. That is, we don't put the necessary safeguards in place to ensure a happy ending." So
- John Maxwell
The question is not, "Will my calendar be full?" but "Who will fill my calendar?" If we are leaders of others, the question is not, "Will I see people?" but "Who will I see?"
- John Maxwell
We don't get to pick our talents or IQ. But we do choose our character. In fact, we create it every time we make choices—to cop out or dig out of a hard situation, to bend the truth or stand under the weight of it, to take the easy money or pay the price.
- John Maxwell
As leaders we need to remember that. Strong convictions precede great actions. When we know something is right-- and that conviction is bolstered by the knowledge that our motives are pure...-- we need to follow through. Others may second-guess our thinking and our decision-making. But when we know what's right, we can't let those things throw us off. We need to stand by our convictions.
- John Maxwell
Prioritize the things that yield high return. What's the key to being productive? Prioritizing. To be an effective leader, you must learn to not only get a lot done, but to get a lot of the right things done. That means understanding how to prioritize time, tasks, resources, and even people. Effective prioritizing begins with eliminating the things you shouldn't be doing.
- John Maxwell