Quotes about Decision-making
Part of the human makeup which distinguishes man from other creatures is his ability to reason and make moral decisions. Man is a free moral agent.
- Billy Graham
When you are unsure whether or not something is wrong, ask yourself these questions: Does this glorify God? Can I offer a prayer of thanksgiving for it? Does it draw me closer to Christ, or does it make me preoccupied with this world? Will it harm my health or hurt me in some other way? Will it cause someone else to stumble spiritually or morally? I have never forgotten what a wise Christian said to me many years ago: "When in doubt—don't!
- Billy Graham
Some people resist the idea of a choice of any sort. They don't want to be called "narrow." But Jesus taught that there are two roads, and you have to choose which road you will take.
- Billy Graham
We are never to do anything of which we are not perfectly clear and certain. If you have a doubt about that particular thing that is bothering you, as to whether it is worldly or not, the best policy is "don't do it.
- Billy Graham
Sometimes we face "gray areas," things that aren't necessarily forbidden by the Bible but still may not belong in our lives.
- Billy Graham
I don't believe in good human beings, but I believe you can have structures that make it easier to make the right choice or the wrong choice.
- Justin Welby
For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: 'If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?' And whenever the answer has been 'No' for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
- Steve Jobs
There is no single right answer or path forward, but there is one right way to frame the problem.
- Clayton M. Christensen
You are always walking in the direction of either love or fear. Choose wisely.
- Oprah Winfrey
There is nothing I value more in subordinates than their willingness to tell me I'm wrong, to challenge me, to sharpen my decision making. Surrounding yourself with sycophants and bootlickers is the surest route to failure.
- Bill Clinton
Adrenaline dulls reason; panic kills it.
- Ted Dekker
Every time I do anything, I have to ask myself: Is it a good role, and is it right to do it? There may be sex or nudity or violence in the script, and then you have to say: Is it gratuitous just out to shock people? Or is it there because it has to be? If a role demands it, and it isn't gratuitous, I'll do it. It's my job, after all. I'm an actress.
- Julie Andrews