Quotes about Decision-making
In this generation, we parents have gone out of our way to protect our children from pain and to see that they succeed. The problem with this approach is that the kids don't learn wisdom, and they don't learn decision-making skills. I believe we learn more from failure than success, but when parents keep kids from failure, our children inevitably end up lacking wisdom.
- Gary Thomas
It's sort of like signing a mortgage or buying a business while drunk. You need to "dry out" a bit and think this thing through before you commit the rest of your life to someone you can't objectively evaluate
- Gary Thomas
Jesus's teachings direct us to make a decision that will lead to righteousness—to seek someone who will inspire us toward godliness, who will confront us when we go astray, who will forgive us when we mess up, who can encourage us with wisdom when we are uncertain about how to proceed.
- Gary Thomas
We begin selling ourselves on what we want to do rather than what we ought to do. We listen to ourselves until we believe our own lies, and the we opt for happiness.
- Andy Stanley
We have a choice. We can shape our future, or let events shape it for us. And if we want to succeed, we can't fall back on the stale debates and old divides that won't move us forward.
- Barack Obama
One cool judgment is worth a thousand hasty counsels. The thing to do is to supply light and not heat.
- Woodrow Wilson
Every man builds his world in his own image. He has the power to choose, but no power to escape the necessity of choice. If he abdicates his power, he abdicates the status of man, and the grinding chaos of the irrational is what he achieves as his sphere of existence—by his own choice.
- Ayn Rand
In that transfusion of blood which drains the good to feed the evil, the compromiser is the transmitting rubber tube.
- Ayn Rand
Have you ever noticed that if there's a hard way and an easy way, you choose the hard way every time? Why do you think that is?
- Barack Obama
In few other professions are you required, each and every day, to weigh so many competing claims—between different sets of constituents, between the interests of your state and the interests of the nation, between party loyalty and your own sense of independence, between the value of service and obligations to your family. There is a constant danger, in the cacophony of voices, that a politician loses his moral bearings and finds himself entirely steered by the winds of public opinion.
- Barack Obama
We talk to these folks because they potentially have the best answers, so I know whose ass to kick.
- Barack Obama
After we're finished, we should try something simpler," I said to him one day. "We could move our families to Hawaii and open a smoothie stand on the beach." "Smoothies are too complicated," Rahm said. "We'll sell T-shirts. But just white T-shirts. In medium. That's it—no other colors or patterns or sizes. We don't want to have to make any decisions. If customers want something different, they can go someplace else.
- Barack Obama