Quotes about Boundaries
I may not agree with you or you with me. Yet I can remain in relationship with you. I don't have to detach from you, reject you, avoid you, or criticize you to validate myself. I can be myself apart from you.
- Peter Scazzero
In short order, here are the top ten symptoms of emotionally unhealthy spirituality: Using God to run from God Ignoring anger, sadness, and fear Dying to the wrong things Denying the impact of the past on the present Dividing life into "secular" and "sacred" compartments Doing for God instead of being with God Spiritualizing away conflict Covering over brokenness, weakness, and failure Living without limits Judging other people's spiritual journey
- Peter Scazzero
We hear many persuasive voices demanding freedom from restrictions, particularly from moral restraints. However, we learn from the history of the earth that any successful society has had boundaries.
- James Faust
I don't eat with beautiful women alone.
- Billy Graham
In bounded communities, aggression is projected outward. For example, the ten commandments say, "Thou shalt not kill." Then the next chapter says, "Go into Canaan and kill everybody in it." That is a bounded field. The myths of participation and love pertain only to the in-group, and the out-group is totally other.
- Joseph Campbell
It all comes," said Pooh crossly, "of not having front doors big enough.
- AA Milne
I've learned that usually, the less I know about other people, the better off I am.
- Joyce Meyer
I have always tried with my shows - win, lose, or draw - to take the boundaries of music as far as I can.
- Andrew Lloyd Webber
I'm certainly not the guy who can say 'This guy doesn't belong in the business.' Unless you really went out of bounds or something, nobody died and left me. God and made me make those decisions.
- Arn Anderson
At times the whole world seems to be in conspiracy to importune you with emphatic trifles. Friend, client, child, sickness, fear, want, charity, all knock at once at thy closet door and say,—'Come out unto us.' But keep thy state; come not into their confusion. The power men possess to annoy me I give them by a weak curiosity. No man can come near me but through my act.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wherever snow falls, or water flows, or birds fly, wherever day and night meet in twilight, wherever the blue heaven is hung by clouds, or sown with stars, wherever are forms with transparent boundaries, wherever are outlets into celestial space, wherever is danger, and awe, and love, there is Beauty, plenteous as rain, shed for thee, and though thou shouldest walk the world over, thou shalt not be able to find a condition inopportune or ignoble.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Whatever limits us,we call Fate
- Ralph Waldo Emerson