Quotes about Boundaries
Most of us prefer to remain on our cow paths, where we know the language and we do not need maps because we know the way by heart. Some of us even stay behind our own fences because we do not want to be mistaken for interlopers in other people's pastures
- Barbara Brown Taylor
It is easy to make an idol of routine, finding security within the boundaries you build around your life. Although each day contains twenty-four hours, every single one presents a unique set of circumstances. Don't try to force-fit today into yesterday's mold.
- Sarah Young
The only way to win a toxic person, is not to play.
- Mark Twain
The past and the future (considered apart from the consequences of their content) are empty as a dream, and the present is only the indivisible and unenduring boundary between them.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
If ideas and beliefs are to be denied validity outside the geographical and cultural bounds of their origin, Buddhism would be confined to north India, Christianity to a narrow tract in the Middle East and Islam to Arabia.
- Aung San Suu Kyi
Man made borders not to limit himself, but to have something to cross.
- Anonymous
You cannot save people. You can only love them.
- Anais Nin
Love can only exist where freedom and responsibility are operating.
- Henry Cloud
Rule #5 Don't Waste Your Energy on Those Who Don't Get on Your Bus.
- Jon Gordon
Rule #6 Post a Sign That Says NO ENERGY VAMPIRES ALLOWED on Your Bus.
- Jon Gordon
Rule #6 Post a Sign That Says NO ENERGY VAMPIRES ALLOWED on Your Bus.
- Jon Gordon
What followed ended up scrambling the landscape of Western culture so dramatically that it's hardly recognizable from what it was before. Luther was the unwitting harbinger of a new world in which the well-established boundaries of what was acceptable were exploded, never to be restored. Suddenly the individual had not only the freedom and possibility of thinking for himself but the weighty responsibility before God of doing so.
- Eric Metaxas