Quotes about Boundaries
Godly accountability is never codependency.
- Beth Moore
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. Psalm 16:6
- Beth Moore
Stay out of my salsa and I'll stay out of yours. This is key to long-lasting relationships in Texas.
- Beth Moore
A person cannot be whole in a relationship where he or she feels powerless to make healthy choices.
- Beth Moore
I think the simplest advice I could give would be to wait until asked before giving advice.
- Deborah Raney
But when our children are adults and making many decisions on their own without input from us, we see all the possible serious consequences of making the wrong ones. And we also see how we will be paying for those wrong decisions right along with them. When we observe life happening to our adult children in a challenging way, we want to help them. But how much is way overboard, and how little is not enough?
- Stormie Omartian
Rules without relationship leads to rebellion.
- Josh McDowell
We should never use spiritual activities as a way to grab for more intimacy than is appropriate for our relationship.
- Joshua Harris
Intimacy without commitment, like icing without cake, can be sweet, but it ends up making us sick.
- Joshua Harris
Stop being tomented by everyone else's reaction to you.
- Joyce Meyer
Do not make your mind a dumping ground for other people's garbage.
- Ezra Taft Benson
Only Christ can meet the deepest needs of our world and our hearts. Christ alone can bring lasting peace—peace with God, peace among men and nations, and peace within our hearts. He transcends the political and social boundaries of our world.
- Billy Graham