Quotes about Self-determination
Many make the mistake of trying to grow their faith through striving and self-determination. This always leads to disappointment and frustration. It can also lead to presumption, which is counterfeit faith—and devastating. Use the measure of faith you have to discover Him for the sake of knowing Him. Increased faith is the result.
- Bill Johnson
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them." —Maya Angelou
- Maya Angelou
Nobody gets the right to keep you in a pit.
- Beth Moore
Every man gotta right to decide his own destiny
- Bob Marley
We who follow the teachings of Elijah Muhammad don't want to be forced to integrate. Integration is wrong. We don't want to live with the white man; that's all.
- Muhammad Ali
You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.
- Maya Angelou
I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.
- Stephen Covey
Happiness, like unhappiness, is a proactive choice.
- Stephen Covey
We all create the person we become by our choices as we go through life. In a very real sense, by the time we are adult, we are the sum total of the choices we have made.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Every man has within himself a gold mine whose riches are limited only by his own industry.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Our destiny is largely in our hands.
- Frederick Douglass
I will give Mr. Freeland the credit of being the best master I ever had, till I became my own master.
- Frederick Douglass