Quotes about Correction
Young dreams may be wild ones, but they are never corrected by ridiculing them. They must be steered by a loving voice that has earned the right to be heard, not one enforced by means of power.
- Ravi Zacharias
If you can't be corrected, you have a problem with pride. If you rebel against authority, if you want to take all the credit and glory to yourself, if you say "I" too often, then you have a problem with pride. It
- Joyce Meyer
They want a miracle to correct their lack of discipline. Too
- Joyce Meyer
Worry is momentary atheism crying out for correction by trust in a good, sovereign God. Suffering breaks self-reliance.
- Randy Alcorn
Describing the relationship between the biblical witnesses and the theologians who come after, the author challenges that the theologian is not to correct the notebooks of the biblical writers like some high school teacher. Instead, our theology is always subject to what THEY say, as we willingly submit our notebooks for their approval.
- Karl Barth
When we recognize the rod of a father, should we not show ourselves docile children rather than rebelliously desperate men who have been hardened in their evil doings?
- John Calvin
God, guide and protect us. When we're wrong, please correct us.
- Bob Marley
No matter how dear you are to God, if pride is harboured in your spirit, He will whip it out of you. They that go up in their own estimation must come down again by His discipline
- Charles Spurgeon
People who have a seeking heart still make mistakes. But their reaction to rebuke and correction shows the condition of that heart. It determines what God is able to do with them in the future.
- Jim Cymbala
That which is called God's wrath, and anger, is a means of discipline.
- Origen
That is one of the reasons I write: to feel the Presence of God and know He is speaking to me in a very personal way, instructing me, correcting me, redirecting me.
- Francine Rivers
And if I were a naughty little boy, the idea is to spank me into good behavior?
- Marquis de Sade