Quotes about Diamonds
When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.
- Peter Marshall
Only by much searching and mining, are gold and diamonds obtained, and man can find every truth connected with his being, if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul.
- James Allen
I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond.
- Mae West
See the hand that nursed the serpent. The fine hasped pipes of her fingerbones. The skin bewenned and speckled. The veins are milkblue and bulby. A thin gold ring set with diamonds. That raised the once child's heart of her to agonies of passion before I was. Here is the anguish of mortality. Hopes wrecked, love sundered. See the mother sorrowing. How everything that I was warned of's come to pass.
- Cormac McCarthy
See the hand that nursed the serpent. The fine hasped pipes of her fingerbones. The skin bewenned and speckled. The veins are milkblue and bulby. A thin gold ring set with diamonds. That raised the once child's heart of her to agonies of passion before I was. Here is the anguish of mortality. Hopes wrecked, love sundered. See the mother sorrowing. How everything that I was warned of's come to pass.
- Cormac McCarthy
Instincts under pressure crush the carbon of conformity and create diamonds. Each new season of life offers to train us for the next season if we pay attention and adapt.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Instincts under pressure crush the carbon of conformity and create diamonds.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds.
- LM Montgomery
Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?
- Maya Angelou
Where is the person who has so tasted the beauty of the age to come that the diamonds of the world look like baubles, and the entertainment of the world is empty, and the moral causes of the world are too small because they have no view to eternity? Where is this person?
- Sam Storms
Oh, I love my Calcutta clients! They understand good-quality stones and they want good-quality jewelry, be it colored stones or diamonds or good workmanship.
- Neelam Kothari
Instincts under pressure crush the carbon of conformity and create diamonds. Each new season of life offers to train us for the next season if we pay attention and adapt.
- Bishop TD Jakes