Quotes about Control
We need to do what we can do and let God do what we cannot.
- Joyce Meyer
It takes a greater God to steer a world populated with free agents than it does to steer a world of preprogrammed automatons.
- Gregory Boyd
You damned spirits! You can only do what the hand of God allows you to do.
- St. Francis Of Assisi
He is not only a God of perfect time, but of perfect timing.
- Beth Moore
And I think that when I finally decided to let go and let God and allow that to happen, I became a lot more successful than I could have done if I had planned it all myself.
- Clay Aiken
We must not allow our emotions to hold sway over our minds. Rather, we must seek to let the truth of God rule our minds. Our emotions must become subservient to the truth.
- Jerry Bridges
those who are afraid of freedom are those who cannot trust us to live in them. Trying to keep the law is actually a declaration of independence, a way of keeping control
- William Paul Young
It's funny how aimless a person can feel at times, even when they know God is in control.
- Chris Fabry
For, to make deserts, God, who rules mankind, Begins with kings, and ends the work by wind.
- Victor Hugo
With each new experience of letting God be in control, we gain courage and reinforcement for daring to do it again and again.
- Gloria Gaither
We are in danger of forgetting that we cannot do what God does, and that God will not do what we can do.
- Oswald Chambers
What God originates, God orchestrates.
- Andy Stanley