Quotes about Control
Believe that God is in control. There is no need to be stressed out or worried.
- Joel Osteen
I pray God that I may never find my will again. Oh, that Christ would subject my will to His, and trample it under His feet.
- Samuel Rutherford
God's plan will continue on God's schedule.
- AW Tozer
We cannot control what others do to us, but through God we can control the way we respond to them.
- Joyce Meyer
We must settle in our hearts that no matter what, God is sovereign.
- Beth Moore
As long as we think we own anything, that thing owns us. As soon as we know that we own nothing, then God owns us.
- AW Tozer
God in heaven has dominion Over so many events. He can frustrate what seems inevitable, And bring to pass the thing that you least expect.
- Euripides
Keep in mind that God's sovereignty allows Him to even use that which is not cooperating with Him (the bad) in order to move things to where He wants them to go.
- Tony Evans
Bitterness arises in our hearts when we do not trust in the sovereign rule of God in our lives
- Jerry Bridges
If God is not sovereign, God is not God.
- RC Sproul
Our problems may stay, our circumstances may remain, but we know God is in control. We are focused on His adequacy, not our inadequacy.
- Charles Stanley
God writes the story of our lives with the pen strokes of our own free choices.
- Peter Kreeft