Quotes about Control
Honestly facing your lack of sovereignty over your own life produces either anxiety or relief. Anxiety is God-forgetting. It is the result of thinking that is life is on your shoulders, that it is your job to figure it all out and keep things in order.
- Paul David Tripp
Could it be that desire for a good thing has become a bad thing because that desire has become a ruling thing?
- Paul David Tripp
Jesus demands everything, not just so we would submit to his control, but to free us from the control of things that were never designed to control us.
- Paul David Tripp
I forget that every achievement points to God's awesome glory. I could not achieve anything without the body that he has given me, the gifts he has bestowed upon me, the control he has over me and my world, and the grace that daily rescues me from me. My successes should depend on my awe of him rather than tempting me to be in awe of me.
- Paul David Tripp
Adam and Eve weren't just after God's forbidden fruit; they were after God's position.
- Paul David Tripp
This is what sin does to us all. At a deep and often unnoticed level, sin replaces worship of God with worship of self. It replaces submission with self-rule. It replaces gratitude with demands for more. It replaces faith with self-reliance. It replaces vertical joy with horizontal envy. It replaces a rest in God's sovereignty with a quest for personal control. We live for our glory. We set up our rules. We ask others to serve our agenda.
- Paul David Tripp
You and I simply never know for sure what is coming next. Think about it: your life has not worked according to your plan. You could not have written yourself into your present situation twenty years ago. Last week didn't work according to your plan. Today won't work according to your plan. Your life is under the wise and sovereign plan of another (see Acts 17:26—27; Dan. 4:34b—35).
- Paul David Tripp
The spiritual reality for many of us is that the one thing is not the Lord. And the danger in that reality is this: your one thing will control your heart, and whatever controls your heart will exercise inescapable influence over your words, choices, and actions. Your one thing will become that which shapes and directs your responses to the situations and relationships of your daily life. If the Lord isn't your one thing, the thing that is your one thing will be your functional lord.
- Paul David Tripp
God owns our relationships—we do not—and that he has a higher purpose for them than we do.
- Paul David Tripp
Because your world is not out of control but under God's careful redemptive control, you can have hope even when it looks to you as if darkness is winning the day.
- Paul David Tripp
The One who created and controls the world, the One who is the ultimate definition of what is loving, true, and good, and the One who alone has the power to finally defeat sin has chosen, because of his grace, to wrap his arms of faithful love and protection around you, and he will not let you go.
- Paul David Tripp
This war is a battle for the control of your heart, and whatever functionally rules your heart will then shape the way you see life and your desires, and it will control your words and behavior.
- Paul David Tripp