Quotes about Self-control
If anyone tells you that such a person speaks ill of you, don't make excuses about what is said of you, but answer: " He does not know my other faults, else he would not have mentioned only these.
- Epictetus
If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make excuses about what is said of you, but answer: "He was ignorant of my other faults, else he would not have mentioned these alone.
- Epictetus
Our possessions should be suited to our bodies and lives, just as our shoes are suited to our feet. Could you run better if your shoes were larger than your feet, or gold-plated and diamond studded? Of course not. Once you let your appetite exceed what is necessary and useful, desire knows no bounds.
- Epictetus
It is not the person who insults or attacks you who torments your mind, but the view you take of these things.
- Epictetus
You do not seem to realize that the mind is subject only to itself. It alone can control it, which shows the force and justice of God's edict: the strong shall always prevail over the weak.
- Epictetus
Avoid talking often and excessively about your accomplishments and dangers, for however much you enjoy recounting your dangers, it's not so pleasant for others to hear about your affairs.
- Epictetus
Remember that it is we who torment, we who make difficulties for ourselves — that is, our opinions do. What, for instance, does it mean to be insulted? Stand by a rock and insult it, and what have you accomplished? If someone responds to insult like a rock, what has the abuser gained with his invective?
- Epictetus
19] 'My brother shouldn't have treated me in this way.' Indeed he shouldn't, but it's for him to see to that. For my part, however he treats me, I should conduct myself towards him as I ought. For that is my business, and the rest is not my concern. In this no one can hinder me, while everything else is subject to hindrance.
- Epictetus
I prepare a lot. For 'The Artist Is Present,' it took me a year to teach my body not to produce acids.
- Marina Abramovic
But," you may ask, "how can we forget the unkind things that are said...the cruel and unfair treatment one has received? How can we simply forget these things? It is not as simple as that!" There is just one sure way. Never talk about them, and never think about them. If you want to forget something, never speak even to your dearest friend about it. When it bobs into your mind, banish it at once. It will surprise you how quickly you can forget anything by that treatment.
- Peter Marshall
Few of us have vitality enough to make any of our instincts imperious.
- George Bernard Shaw
Let there be a door to thy mouth, that it may be shut when need arises, and let it be carefully barred, that none may rouse thy voice to anger, and thou pay back abuse with abuse.
- Ambrose of Milan