Quotes about Self-control
i. Nothing can happen to me that isn't natural. ii. I can keep from doing anything that God and my own spirit don't approve. No one can force me to.
- Marcus Aurelius
Consider how much more pain is brought on us by the anger and vexation caused by such acts than by the acts themselves, at which we are angry and vexed
- Marcus Aurelius
The best revenge is to be unlike your enemy.
- Marcus Aurelius
This shows how a man who practices exercise and self-control can preserve some of his original vigor even when he grows old.
- Cicero
Last year I abstained this year I devour without guilt which is also an art
- Margaret Atwood
You refuse to own yourself, you permit others to do it for you
- Margaret Atwood
Becka had a lot of these control-yourself techniques. I tried to practise them. They worked some of the time.
- Margaret Atwood
Let us always guard our tongue; not that it should always be silent, but that it should speak at the proper time.
- St. John Chrysostom
The best time to set up a new discipline is when the idea is strong.
- Jim Rohn
We praise a man who feels angry on the right grounds and against the right persons and also in the right manner at the right moment and for the right length of time.
- Aristotle
It's so important to realize that every time you get upset, it drains your emotional energy. Losing your cool makes you tired. Getting angry a lot messes with your health.
- Joyce Meyer
How can I make it clear to him that what appears easy and attractive will drag him down into the depths, depths where there is no comfort to be found, no friends and no beauty, depths from which it is almost impossible to raise oneself?
- Anne Frank