Quotes about Self-control
On one side self-indulgence presses me hard; on another covetousness strives to make an inroad; my belly wishes to be a God to me, in place of Christ
- Jerome
Self-control is not control by oneself through one's own willpower but rather control of oneself through the power of the Holy Spirit.
- Jerry Bridges
The truly masculine man is one who loves what is right. The masculine man loves truth more than anything else. He is not ego-driven, he is driven by what is right. He is not ruled by his desire for sex, but he is ruled by his desire to honor God. He looks to God to guide him, and to the true knowledge he has about himself. He does not rely on women for approval and satisfaction.
- Jesse Lee Peterson
In the world of money and investing, you must learn to control your emotions.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Never miss a chance to shut up.
- Will Rogers
Saint Thomas Aquinas says, wisely, that the only way to drive out a bad passion is by a stronger good passion. The same is true of thoughts as of passions. When your mind wanders, like a child, your will must bring it back, like a mother. [. . .] The will-parent must discipline the mind-child, avoiding both the opposite extremes commonly made in disciplining either children or thoughts: tyranny or permissiveness.
- Peter Kreeft
One of the reasons lust is bad (not the only reason) is that it makes you stupid. Like any addiction, it blinds your vision to everything else and focuses it on the one thing that is the object of your addiction.
- Peter Kreeft
We too can love with the will even when we do not have loving emotions or feelings. We make this distinction toward ourselves quite easily, so we should be able to do it toward others too when necessary.
- Peter Kreeft
We should not only refrain from thinking about gratifying our desires but also avoid focusing on not gratifying our desires. The way to deal with temptation is not to grit our teeth and make up our minds that we will not do a certain thing. The key is to fill our minds with other things.
- David Jeremiah
if it happens that the soul is attached or inclined to a thing inordinately, that one should move himself, putting forth all his strength, to come to the contrary of what he is wrongly drawn to.
- Ignatius of Loyola
Someone said it's not wrong to have things. It's wrong when your things have you.
- Craig Groeschel
Wise people put as much distance between themselves and sexual temptation as possible. They not only get away but also plan their escape route.
- Craig Groeschel