Quotes about Categories
She even had a kind of special position among men: she was an exception, she fitted none of the categories they commonly used when talking about girls; she wasn't a cock-teaser, a cold fish, an easy lay or a sneaky bi...; she was an honorary person. She had grown to share their contempt for most women.
- Margaret Atwood
With the excesses of the gender revolution the revolt against terms and categories becomes a revolt against reality, and all the rest of us are pressured to deny the obvious, believe in the incredible, and go along with the charade of the emperor's new clothes. ("Only a woman can get pregnant," but such truisms are now held to be false and offensive.)
- Os Guinness
Life is much more than reason, so it can never be captured and explained by reason alone—crucial and valuable though reason is. Apply reason as carefully and systematically as you like, and there will always be things it cannot explain, things that simply will not fit into its categories, however hard you push, press and pull.
- Os Guinness
God adopted Abraham as the forefather of a new people, and in doing so he also adopted the mythic categories within which Abraham—and everyone else—thought. But God did not simply leave Abraham in his mythic world. Rather, God transformed the ancient myths so that Israel's story would come to focus on its God, the real one.
- Peter Enns
Jesus and his words have never belonged to the categories of dogma or law, and to read them as if they did is simply to miss them.
- Dallas Willard
Difference between a vocation and a category. Those who fulfill their vocation to sanctity--or who are fulfilling it--are by that very fact unaccountable. They do not fit into categories. If you use a category in speaking of them you have to qualify statement at once, as if they also belonged to some completely different category. In actual fact, they are in no category, they are particular themselves...
- Thomas Merton
Class is a way of looking at society that divides people into different categories based on how much money they're willing to make.
- Stephen Colbert
Nature does not make mistakes. Right and wrong are human categories.
- Frank Herbert
Basically there can be no categories such as 'religious' art and 'secular' art, because all true art is incarnational, and therefore 'religious.
- Madeleine L'Engle
We must not think of God as highest in an ascending order of beings starting with the single cell, then the fish, then the bird, then the animal, then man and angels and cherubs and God.… This would be to grant God eminence or even preeminence but that is not enough. We must grant God transcendence in the fullest meaning of that word. He's wholly other. He breaks all the categories of being and knowing.24
- James MacDonald
Honestly, I think they need to work to improve the categories. If the driver goes from the go-kart to F3 one year and then to F1, why do we have GP3, GP2?
- Felipe Massa