Quotes about Behavior
Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.
- Napoleon Hill
10% of life is made up of what happens to you. 90% of life is decided by how you react.
- Charles Swindoll
Compromise occurs when our behavior fails to reflect our priorities. In what ways have you compromised, and how can you get back on track?
- Charles Swindoll
I am convinced that life is 10% of what happens to me and 90 % how I react. And so it is with you, we are in charge of our Attitudes.
- Charles Swindoll
I am not a fool. I keep on hearing and seeing the way people misbehave with their coaches and seniors.
- Wasim Akram
No one is more sentimentalized in America than mothers on Mother's Day, but no one is more often blamed for the culture's bad people and behavior.
- Anne Lamott
Beloved so agitated she behaved like a two-year-old.
- Toni Morrison
The scholarship that looks into the mind, imagination, and behavior of slaves is valuable. But equally valuable is a serious intellectual effort to see what racial ideology does to the mind, imagination, and behavior of maters.
- Toni Morrison
Satan seeks to capture your thoughts because they are what will trigger your emotions, which in turn influence your actions. Thus, addictions are prolonged through emotional manipulations.
- Tony Evans
If actions speak louder than words, it is because they lend the weight of behavior (real assent) to belief (nominal assent).
- Kevin Vanhoozer
does belief that fails to issue in behavior count as genuine witness (and understanding) or not?
- Kevin Vanhoozer
As the Holy Spirit restores us, He trains our wills to choose thoughts, values and behaviors that bring Him praise.
- Kris Vallotton