Quotes about Behavior
Psychologist William James said, That which holds our attention determines our action. In other words, your behavior follows your attitude. The two cannot be separated. As author LeRoy Eims says, How can you know what is in your heart? Look at your behavior.
- John Maxwell
It has been said that you don't really know people until you have observed them when they interact with a child, when the car has a flat tire, when the boss is away, and when they think no one will ever know. But people with integrity never have to worry about that. No matter where they are, who they are with, or what kind of situation they find themselves in, they are consistent and live by their principles.
- John Maxwell
Example is not the main thing in influencing others . . . it is the only thing.
- John Maxwell
First we form habits, but then our habits form us.
- John Maxwell
if you want people to act right toward you, you act right toward them. And many times you'll change them.
- John Maxwell
Good thoughts and actions can never produce bad results; bad thoughts and actions can never produce good results.
- John Maxwell
Good actions represent the dividing line between words and results.
- John Maxwell
Behavior that is rewarded is behavior that will continue.
- John Maxwell
People cannot perform in a way inconsistent with the way they see themselves.
- John Maxwell
Social influence doesn't become leadership influence until the people following change their behavior and take action as a result of the interaction with the influencer.
- John Maxwell
Just as personal values influence and guide an individual's behavior, organizational values influence and guide the team's behavior.
- John Maxwell
There's only one thing more contagious than a good attitude—and that's a bad attitude.
- John Maxwell