Quotes about Behavior
Prostitutes dress obviously, so as to draw attention. It's their business, isn't it? The last thing that a Christian woman is thinking of is being like a prostitute.
- Elisabeth Elliot
Virtue is more clearly shown in the performance of fine ACTIONS than in the non-performance of base ones.
- Aristotle
Every human interaction offers you the chance to make things better or to make things worse.
- Barbara Brown Taylor
The more sinful and guilty a person tends to feel, the less chance there is that he will be a happy, healthy, or law-abiding citizen. He will become a compulsive wrong-doer.
- Albert Ellis
Psychology can make us feel good, but religion can make us be good.
- Peter Kreeft
Sow a thought, reap an act. Sow an act, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character. Sow a character, reap a destiny.
- Peter Kreeft
manifests a good person, a good character, a good habit, and also because good deeds gradually form good habits, good character, good persons.
- Peter Kreeft
A habit is a stable disposition to act in a certain way, good or evil. Virtues are good habits; vices are bad habits.
- Peter Kreeft
Our attitudes are important! In fact, they are more important than our actions, because they are the foundation upon which our actions are built.
- David Jeremiah
Unbelievers resist truth because it brings to the surface their God-instilled knowledge of right and wrong, which they've buried in order to pursue their ungodly behavior without the annoyance of conscience (Romans 1:18-21).
- David Jeremiah
When chimpanzees embark on a raid, their behavior resembles a monkey hunt. They're out for blood—but this time it's the blood of a member of their own species. Based on chimpanzees' alert, enthusiastic behavior, these raids are exciting events for them.… During these raids on other communities the attackers do as they do while hunting monkeys, except that the target "prey" is a member of their own species.
- David Livingstone Smith
Teach your kids by modeling what you claim to believe.
- Craig Groeschel