Quotes about Behavior
A man's fortunes are the fruit of his character.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
We call it the moral sentiment. As we are, so we do; and as we do, so it is done to us; we are the builders of our fortunes.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are more concerned about looking stupid (fear of people) than we are about acting sinfully (fear of the Lord)." —Edward T. Welch
- Randy Alcorn
The radically changed behavior of the disciples after the resurrection is the best evidence of the resurrection," declares Thomas C. Oden of Drew University. "Some hypothesis is necessary to make plausible the transformation of the disciples from grieving followers of a crucified messiah to those whose resurrection preaching turned the world upside down. That change could not have happened, according to the church's testimony, without the risen Lord.
- Ravi Zacharias
Culture is critical in marriage because in a real sense, culture is the behavioral expression of one's values, appreciations, tastes, and relational style in both simple and serious matters of life. Add to this the dimensions of language and cultural memory, and you have worlds within worlds. In effect, culture provides the how and why of an individual's behavior.
- Ravi Zacharias
Everytime you feed the flesh, you strenghten it. This is good if you are trying to build a good habit, but detrimental if you are trying to stop a bad habit. The way to kill the flesh is to starve it; to stop feeding it.
- Joyce Meyer
Wow! you might actually have to act like a Christian sometimes!
- Joyce Meyer
Because of the lingering discrimination, many women still lack confidence. They live in fear of stepping beyond what they feel is acceptable 'female' behavior. I can remember feeling that I wasn't 'normal' because I was aggressive, had dreams and goals, and wanted do do great things...I am glad now that I found courage to do something radical and chase my dreams.
- Joyce Meyer
We can't control what other people do and how they decide to treat us, but we can control our response to them. Don't let other people's behavior control you. Don't let them steal your joy; remember that your anger won't change them, but prayer can.
- Joyce Meyer
Patience is not simply the ability to wait - it's how we behave while we're waiting.
- Joyce Meyer
Your mind, mouth, moods, and attitudes are all intricately connected. • No matter what you experience, you are responsible for your own life. • A transformed mind leads to transformed moods, attitudes, and behaviors. • Thinking godly thoughts and speaking them each morning is an exercise that can change your entire day.
- Joyce Meyer
Many people in the world are trying to find God, and what we show them is much more important than what we tell them. It is, of course, important that we verbally share the gospel, but to do so and negate what we have said with our own behavior is worse than to say nothing.
- Joyce Meyer