Quotes about Desires
The call of God is not a reflection of my nature; my personal desires and temperament are of no consideration. As long as I dwell on my own qualities and traits and think about what I am suited for, I will never hear the call of God.
- Oswald Chambers
The kingdom of self tends to be more focused on what the hands can touch than what the heart should embrace.
- Paul David Tripp
Our obsession with material things brings trouble and heartache into our lives. So we tell ourselves that we'll do better—we commit ourselves for a time to new budgets, we go on temporary diets, we hold garage sales. But none of it lasts for long because deep inside us, we treasure the creation more than we treasure the Creator.
- Paul David Tripp
I am designed to appreciate beautiful things, but I must not attach my identity to how many of those things I possess, and I must not let my heart be ruled by
- Paul David Tripp
What do I really want in life: the success of God's agenda of grace or the fulfillment of my catalog of desires?
- Paul David Tripp
the struggle of midlife is fundamentally rooted in the idolatries of the heart.
- Paul David Tripp
This war is a battle for the control of your heart, and whatever functionally rules your heart will then shape the way you see life and your desires, and it will control your words and behavior.
- Paul David Tripp
the more you focus on your own neediness, the more your desires will be christened as needs.
- Paul David Tripp
Whatever functionally rules your heart will then shape the way you see life and your desires, and it will control your words and behavior.
- Paul David Tripp
Often we make the mistake of thinking we have a heart for the Lord, when really we're just thankful for him because at that moment he seems to be delivering to us what we have truly set our hearts on. Often we reduce God to just the deliverer of good fits, rather than recognizing him as the ultimate heart-satisfying gift.
- Paul David Tripp
the heart can be captured or ruled by only two things. I'll use Paul's terms. Your heart is always living under the rule of "things that are above" or "things that are on earth.
- Paul David Tripp
Prayer is much more than bringing to God your list of wants, desires, and needs. It is a radical act of worship that reminds you of who you are, who God is, and what life is all about. Prayer is surrender:
- Paul David Tripp