Quotes about Desires
How came it to pass that many of the Saints were so perfect, so contemplative of Divine things? Because they steadfastly sought to mortify themselves from all worldly desires, and so were enabled to cling with their whole heart to God, and be free and at leisure for the thought of Him. We are too much occupied with our own affections, and too anxious about transitory things.
- Thomas a Kempis
2. How came it to pass that many of the Saints were so perfect, so contemplative of Divine things? Because they steadfastly sought to mortify themselves from all worldly desires, and so were enabled to cling with their whole heart to God, and be free and at leisure for the thought of Him. We are too much occupied with our own affections, and too anxious about transitory things. Seldom, too, do we entirely conquer even a single fault, nor are we zealous for daily growth in grace. And
- Thomas a Kempis
The man who is not yet wholly dead to self, is soon tempted, and is overcome in small and trifling matters. It is hard for him who is weak in spirit, and still in part carnal and inclined to the pleasures of sense, to withdraw himself altogether from earthly desires. And therefore, when he withdraweth himself from these, he is often sad, and easily angered too if any oppose his will.
- Thomas a Kempis
we humans have a fatal tendency to try to adjust the truth to fit our desires rather than adjusting our desires to fit the truth. But
- Norman Geisler
In fact, we humans have a fatal tendency to try to adjust the truth to fit our desires rather than adjusting our desires to fit the truth.
- Norman Geisler
The shadows of our own desires stand between us and our better angels, and thus their brightness is eclipsed.
- Charles Dickens
Love not the world" (1 John 2:15). Many would like to be godly, but the honors and profits of the world divert them. Where the world fills both head and heart—there is no room for Christ.
- Thomas Watson
If you listen through the screen of your desires, then you obviously listen to your own voice; you are listening to your own desires.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Shall man's basest desires receive the fullest measure of gratification, and his purest aspirations starve for lack of sustenance?
- Og Mandino
Why talk about what we want? That is childish. Absurd. Of course, you are interested in what you want. You are eternally interested in it. But no one else is. The rest of us are just like you: we are interested in what we want.
- Dale Carnegie
Give us the luxuries of life, and we will dispense with its necessities.
- Hannah More
When the soul is understood and attended to, we can be liberated from hurry, preoccupation, unsatisfied desires, and chronic discontent.
- John Ortberg