Quotes about Strategy
As in laws or in war, the longest purse finally wins.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Wars happen because the ones who start them think they can win.
- Margaret Atwood
While prudence will endeavor to avoid this issue of war, bravery will prepare to meet it.
- Thomas Jefferson
I have found in my experience of war, that plans are useless, but planning is invaluable.
- Winston Churchill
ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred with out a head
- Euripides
You don't have to have perfect wisdom to get very rich - just a bit better than average over a long period of time.
- Charlie Munger
War involves in its progress such a train of unforeseen circumstances that no human wisdom can calculate the end; it has but one thing certain, and that is to increase taxes.
- Thomas Paine
God had a strategy in the ugly places because those were the fields in which he decided to cultivate us.
- Bishop TD Jakes
We Christian writers must paint evil with the blackest of brushes, not to sow fear, but to call out the monsters to be scattered by our light. If Satan cloaks himself as an angel of white, intent on deceiving the world, any attempt on our parts to minimize evil is only complicit with his strategy... Turn to the light; don't fear the shadows it creates.
- Ted Dekker
We have to have a conversation about whether Obama's plan to increase spending to occupy Afghanistan helps make America a safer country, or not. I think at some point, we may decide that we don't have to have that size military and cost footprint in the country. You look at what you want to accomplish, how many soldiers you need.
- Grover Norquist
I'm not doing one lucky punch or spinning kick and catching somebody. I'm going to own you - not beat you - own you from the first bell to the last bell.
- Corey Anderson
You don't throw rocks at a man with a machine gun!
- Roddy Piper