Quotes about Wisdom
It is so pleasant to learn about new things. Every day I find how little I know, but I do not feel discouraged since God has given me an eternity in which to learn more.
- Helen Keller
They who prematurely put themselves forward to root out whatever is displeasing to them overthrow the judgment of God and rashly intrude upon the office of angels.
- John Calvin
The secret of following God's will, I discovered, usually is wrapped up in rejecting the good for God's best.
- KP Yohannan
Listen to no man who has not listened to God.
- AW Tozer
Get in God's word every day. God's word equips us for everything we do.
- Stephen Kendrick
For where I found Truth, there found I my God, the Truth itself; which since I learnt, I have not forgotten.
- St. Augustine
Study the Bible to know about God. Obey the Bible to really know God.
- Adrian Rogers
You are under-qualified for the job of God.
- Timothy Keller
God is more interested in declaring than explaining.
- Matt Chandler
God's Will is what we would choose if we knew what God knows.
- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
He who fears God has nothing else to fear.
- Charles Spurgeon
You must go to God's Word to know what is true about yourself.
- Beth Moore